Why does my cat lick my hair?

Many people have wondered why their cat licks their hair. It’s a common question that many people have asked over the years.

In this article, we will discuss the reasons why your cat licks your hair and what to do if this is happening too often.

Reasons why your cat licks your hair

Cats lick their owners’ hair for a number of reasons. Some reasons are to get attention, while others are to express affection.

There is no definite answer to why your cat licks your hair. The reasons why your cat licks your hair may be one of the following:

1. Your cat may lick your hair to get your attention

Cats are known for their charm, and they do not mind using it to get what they want. They are even willing to lick your hair to get you to pet them. Cats like being scratched on the head because it is calming for them.

2. Your cat may lick your hair to show her affection

Cats have a very unique way of communicating with their owners. They are also known to be very affectionate and social animals. Cats like to lick their owner’s hair when they are happy and want to show them that they approve of what they’re doing.

Cats are also known to be able to tell when you are feeling down or sad just by the way you smell. When a cat feels you are down, she may lick your hair to comfort you.

3. Your cat may lick your hair to mark their territory

Cats lick their human owners to mark territory and show dominance over them. Licking your hair is a way for the cat to mark its territory and let other animals know that it is in charge of the house.

4. Your cat may lick your hair out of curiosity

Cats are known to be curious and they have a strong sense of smell. This is why some cats love to lick people’s hair.

5. Your cat may lick your hair out of boredom

The reason why your cat may be licking your hair may also be out of boredom. That’s the way your cat wants to tell you, “I’m bored, play with me!”. If you haven’t played with your cat for some time, then take a couple of interactive cat toys and energize your kitty. Cats need proper playing time to keep their physical and mental health in check.

cat licking owner's hair

Is it bad if my cat licks my hair?

From a human perspective, it is not bad if your cat licks your hair. However, you should make sure that you are not allergic to cats before allowing them to do so.

From the cat’s perspective, it’s not bad for your cat to lick you, as long as they don’t do so too much or too often. If your cat licks your hair too often, she could ingest a hairball that could cause serious health problems.

How to stop a cat from licking your hair?

Cat licking your hair may be annoying for you, especially if you have long hair. Although it is not a cat’s fault, it can be difficult to deal with when you have long hair and you’re trying to sleep.

The best way to reclaim personal space from a cat is by giving them what they want – lots of attention and enrichment. By providing them with these things, you’re helping them feel like the most important part of your life.

Different cat licking habits

If your cat likes to lick your hair, your kitty may have a tendency to lick other things too. Below are articles about the most common licking habits among cats:

Why is my cat licking my blanket?

Why does my cat lick my feet?

Why does my cat lick my nose?

Why does my cat lick me then bite me?


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